3 Disadvantages of Being a Youtube Commentary Or Content Reactor on Youtube

3 Disadvantages of Being a Youtube Commentary Or Content Reactor on Youtube

If you see a YouTube content creator in the commentator field whether it's commenting on someone else's YouTube content, commenting on the news that is currently trending and so on.

Well indeed this kind of content is very much in demand and loved by many people, especially if you have a fan or crowd that has been hereditary likes this type of content, of course you don't need to bother creating content with a complicated design in working on this commentator content.

Source : reddit.com

All you need to prepare is a laptop or computer and then look for hot topics and comment on these topics with your opinion, of course, if your opinion is good and always fits in the eyes of your audience then you will be more liked and favored.

Well, but it is not uncommon for those who work as content creators in the field of commentators to get a lot of problems, one of which is that they don't keep their words/speech when commenting.

So of course on this occasion I will provide some of the shortcomings of making the reactor creator content and the commentator, well what are they ? well let's discuss together below:

1. Not Rarely Give Bad Words

You must have seen the type of content creators who often use harsh words, right? Either intentionally or unintentionally.

The first disadvantage is the language used by content creators, just imagine if a content owner of this type plays games, of course they must have done unintentional swearing.

Now just imagine if they are faced with impossible conditions such as losing continuously in playing games then of course they will swear endlessly, now this makes this type of content creator can invite more negative sides if this one point is still not eliminated.

2. Have Opinions & Viewpoints That Can Sometimes Be Worse

Have you ever seen a content creator of this type who discusses a topic with his point of view and then he is attacked from various directions even by his fans ?

Well if there is then you will know that content creators with niche reactions are actually greater at distorting a thing that should be responded to with a cool head and positivity but for some content creators of this type it actually makes it worse.

Well of course some fans who feel strange about the opinions that the content creators express will turn to blaspheme and even attack the content creators.

So of course the opinions you have as a content creator can sometimes make no sense to most people and even from that can actually make their careers become lost.

3. Vulnerability to Demonetization

Vulnerability to being demonetized can also occur because most content like this often inserts unnecessary agendas and has a bad impact on people.

Just imagine when people who create viral and hot content recently, when a few minutes you upload it to YouTube and have monetized it with ads, suddenly the ad cannot be displayed because it is exposed to a demonetization or yellow dollar, well if so of course you will not get money from the video you have uploaded.


Creating this kind of reactor and commentator content is fine, no one forbids you from making it, it's just that you also have to know that this kind of content can have 3 bad impacts on your life.

Then is there a good impact by becoming this type of content creator ? Of course there is, besides you can get famous faster, you will also be respected and will continue to be followed because whatever you say is mostly true for fans/crowd and even people who have the same point of view as you have.
Here are 3 Tips to Keep You Safe While Swimming at the Beach

Here are 3 Tips to Keep You Safe While Swimming at the Beach

The beach is a recreational area that is very popular with local and foreign tourists because the beach has its own charm, especially if we talk about some beaches in the Asian region, of course there must be a lot of beaches that have their own spiritual value. 

Now if we talk about the beach then we definitely talk about what activities people do on the beach, well one of them is swimming, swimming on the beach is indeed a fun activity, besides being able to relieve stress from working all day, swimming on the beach is also something that can be done if you are bored with just walking or sitting while on the beach. 

Source: freepik.com/author/wirestock

Well, but swimming on the beach is certainly not as safe as it looks because we don't know when disaster can come, even though we don't ask for the disaster to come but of course we should be able to avoid the disaster as much as possible. 

There are many cases of people drowning and being dragged by the current when swimming on the beach, and sometimes there are even children who become victims, it's because of the ignorance of people who swim on the beach. 

So on this occasion, i will provide 3 tips so that you and your entire family stay safe while doing swimming activities on the beach, well what are they ? let's discuss together below :

1. Swim on the Coast 

If you can't swim and don't understand and haven't felt the effects of being pulled by deep ocean currents then don't ever try to swim in the middle of the waves. 

That's because when you want to swim a little into the middle of the sea, then of course the pull of the water leading from the bottom of the sea is so strong, it can overthrow you and drag you into the middle of the sea (if you don't know how to swim)

2. Don't Swim in Calm Water

If you are swimming at the beach and see calm water between the right and left sides where there are waves, then do not swim in the middle of the quiet water. 

That's because right under the quiet water it actually has a strong sea current, if you get to swim in the area then certainly you are difficult to reach land because you will be pulled continuously.
Not only that, the sand foothold will landslide when you step on it, because indeed the sand in the sea will be dragged by strong ocean currents, when you don't get a foothold it is difficult for you to reach surface and the effect is you will drown. 

3. Use a Buoy When Swimming on the Beach

Buoys are not just decorative items or displays, but buoys can be use to save you when you are accidentally dragged by strong currents. 

Buoys are there to bring you to the surface, the better the quality of the buoy, the faster you will be brought to the surface, so in that way you can breathe air faster. 


Swimming at the beach is a lot of fun, but you must also realize that some things that may seem trivial can threaten your life. 

Hopefully with this drinking information you can at least avoid the name of a disaster wherever you are, and of course accompanied by a prayer to ask God for safety.
4 Reasons Why Someone is Still Cheated on by Their Partner

4 Reasons Why Someone is Still Cheated on by Their Partner

Cheating is something that is very much avoided by couples in all parts of the world because this action can make a long-established relationship fall to pieces.

Well why does that happen ? it can happen if one partner feels that his/her rights in the relationship are not being fulfilled, whatever it is and he/she sees him/herself as the partner who doesn't really know and understand.

Source: freepik.com

Because most of you might be thinking, "why would anyone be in a relationship that is so beautiful, looks like it will last for a very long time even until they become grandparents" but behind the scenes, one of them decides to have an affair, well of course we as ordinary people will not understand what really happened right ?

Well on this occasion i will give some of my opinions which I have summarized into several main points why they do the affair, and these points you can see below, well what are they? let's discuss together :

1. No Longer Attractive

Someone is willing to have an affair in front of or behind their partner just because they have a statement that their partner is no longer attractive, well with this kind of clichéd reason that they can easily tell this to people.

Now unattractive here could mean a wide range, whether appearance, thoughts/mindset, traits and the like which can make the cheater then step away little by little and re-build a relationship with someone else.

Of course, this type of person will not feel grateful and enough, when they see that their new partner has a flaw, they will search again and again, and in the end they will only look for someone attractive and interesting continuously, who can be their future partner.

2. Already Different in Principle

When a relationship is shrouded by different principles then the relationship is only a matter of time until the relationship destroyed by itself, well this is what people who are having an affair might feel.

They think that their relationship with their ex- previous partner has different principles, all kinds of principles begin to look different when they talk about minor things until it becomes a bigger, such as maybe the husband / man wants to stay at home on weekends but the wife / woman wants to go on vacation, from these small differences in principles can slowly lead to the next big problem and make one of the couples willing to let go of the relationship they have built for years.

3. No Support System

This can also happen if one partner is not sensitive to their partner, when one partner wants a support system, but the other partner doesn't care and feels it is not necessary or indeed he/she is not used to being a support system.

Now the effect can be seen at the end where those who feel they lack a support system then look for someone who might be able and have the support system, well they hope that the support system that the other person might have can help them.

And of course up to a certain point those who are looking for a support system may have a relationship with the person who provides the support system (if indeed the person is the opposite sex from him and is able to make him comfortable), of course infidelity ensues.

4. Not Appreciated

An affair occurs starting from not being appreciated by a partner, not being appreciated in various ways, whether never helping with housework, looking after the child and so on when the wife certainly needs a break from her daily work.

Then there is also a husband who is not appreciated by his wife, the husband is tired from work then decides to go home from work but the wife who does not care about him then starts to bother him or give bad and negative things to the husband, the effect is of course the husband is a little more angry and annoyed then he can think of looking for someone third party who can make his heart and mind calm, well infidelity happens.

Well not only that but there are also other things that might happen, such as not respecting the words of a partner, a simple example like this :

When one of the female partners says that she wants to marry her partner immediately, the man who listens then agrees to that.

The next day the man started to be willing to buy their wedding rings, the woman who saw this was very happy, but at the end, the man apparently made a joke where he didn't really agree to the plan to marry his partner, well The woman feels disappointed and then can only reflect on her boyfriend's behavior, now that is also part of her partner's sense of "disrespect" which can lead to her partner having an affair.

5. Wife Doesn't Provide for Husband's Inner Life

Most men are sometimes reluctant to divorce, it is because they seem to keep their partner's heart, and see their partner perfect in all the fields they live in such as housewives, washing clothes, making breakfast, taking care of the child and so on, but the name of a cracked relationship is impossible to patch back like a punctured tire.

Well divorce cases usually start from infidelity, and the reason some men cheat on their spouses could be because the wife does not provide Inner Living to her husband as often as her husband wants.

In effect, the husband looks for other women out there who can fulfill these sexual desires, and the reason why they keep their wives and do not try to divorce them is because no one can replace the habit of being a wife who is already good and good at work.


Well maybe that's 4 reasons why there are still people who are cheated on, both men and women, it's actually not the face that men are looking for, indeed men will see a woman's face at the beginning when they first have a relationship.

However, the longer the relationship, most of them just realized that physicality and wealth are not the determinants of comfort and strength of a bond of love with each other in a relationship, but rather helping each other in all problems and also understanding each other's shortcomings that can strengthen the inner bond with a partner.
How to Improve the Tourism Sector in Your Area

How to Improve the Tourism Sector in Your Area

If you want to improvise the tourism sector in your area, of course you can follow some of the points that i have given below. Well,i have summarized these points and you can applying on of  them if you feel you have failed to improve the quality of the tourism sector in your area.

Source: detik.com/Weka Kanaka

So of course, on this good opportunity, i will explain several important points below, how to improve the quality of the tourism sector in your area, so what are they ? let's discuss it together below :

1. Creating Hidden Gems Tourist Destinations

This has nothing to do with advancing the tourism sector, because it makes no sense when there is a tourist spot but instead makes a new tourist spot again, but to advance the tourism sector then of course you have to know also that several tourist attractions must be made, do not rely too much on just one tourist destination (read here to see 3 idea to make tourist spots)

Think of it like making a tourist destination from concrete culverts arranged so that it becomes an iconic tourist spot, making a garden tourist destination with a maze and the like which has never existed in your area, maybe this will be an interesting option in the future where people will definitely visit the new tourist spot and can increase the income of the surrounding area.

2. Provide Good Quality to Public Facilities

Creating tourist destinations must of course have to be supported by very good public facilities, because the fact is that not a few people are also willing to pay a little more expensive just to enter the tourist attractions.

Either to take selfies or enjoy the beauty that has been presented at the tourist spots in your area, so surely there are lots of people who will be in that place later on.

Now with the excellent quality of these public facilities, people will not easily leave quickly and can stay longer at these tourist attractions, especially supported by several places such as cafes and restaurants, making revenue in the tourism sector increase rapidly.

3. No extortion

Now this is what must be applied if there are still extortion activities in your area, because basically extortion is a detrimental activity that makes tourists who are visiting not comfortable and makes the tourism sector go down.

Now by eradicating all extortion activities in your area, precisely at tourist attractions in your area, it will also help improve the tourism sector in your area.

4. Cheap Prices for Food & Drink 

If you want to advance the tourism sector in your area then you must see the potential in the field of food & soft drinks, or souvenirs, make sure the places in the tourism area have prices that are not too expensive and tend to fit in the pockets of visitors.

You have to survey how many people are spending money at these tourist attractions, what items are they purchasing and how many of these items have been sold? You can calculate all of that, if you get the answer on that basis then you can determine what visitors are going to buy in the future.

5. Have a Guaranteed Security System for Tourists

This security system is not only protective equipment when doing activities in the tourist attractions, whether there are safety ties, helmets or chest protectors, legs and the like if the activity can threaten physically.

But it is also necessary to provide a guaranteed security system for tourists visiting tourist attractions in your area from pickpockets, people who will do something indecent and others.

Well then the tourism sector will recover as before if indeed the security of the visitors can be controlled.

6. Share/Advertise/Promote Tourist Attractions to People

Advertising about tourist attractions in your area is the best solution, because by advertising on social media or attracting influencers to come while enjoying the beauty of tourist attractions can certainly invite more people to come to the tourist attractions that you / your village have made.

Advertising or promoting tourist spots can be done in various ways, as much as possible by raising various kinds of activities that might be done at the tourist spot, so people who are interested in the beauty and all kinds of activities that are available at the tourist spot will come in large numbers to the tourist spot.


Maybe the 6 tips above can make the tourism sector in your area more progressive, just imagine if one village has 2 to 4 attractions, it is not impossible that the amount of income earned is enough to meet the needs of the residents in the village and make the village richer and able to stand on its own.
Here Are 3 Reasons Why Someone Wants People to Follow Them Back on Social Media

Here Are 3 Reasons Why Someone Wants People to Follow Them Back on Social Media

Social media is a platform that was probably originally created to be able to socialize with each other, different places, islands, different races and also nationalities of course.

Well lately social media turns out to be used for other things, whether spreading a news or can be used as a platform to make money and etc, so that people are competing to get high engagements to be able to achieve that position.

Source : freepik.com

Now with the various benefits of social media, it is enough to make anyone nowadays able to either just add relationships/friends and the like.

So on this occasion i will discuss a few points that I have summarized, why there are so many people who want to be followed back on social media, well what is their real purpose and what are the benefits for them ? let's discuss together below :

1. Want to be Noticed

Well people who want to be followed back after following someone on social media (whatever it is) apparently really want to be noticed where whatever activities they do can at least be seen by someone who is not from their family, most of them really want to show off the life they have because unconsciously that's what they want, which is " Noticed ".

2. Want to Earn Money by Becoming an Influencer

By following back someone who wants to be followed back, of course it can increase the person's profit where they can become an impromptu influencer who earns money.

By having a lot of followers, it means that most of the content / videos they have can be seen by the people who follow them, if they are followed then what happens ? of course the timeline of the person who follows them will be seen in friends of his friends.

Now indirectly they want someone to follow them back so when they create content and get liked by people who follow them back, then they will get more traffic, coupled with several comments on the content making them get quite a lot of engagement.

Now from this much engagement, they just waiting for sponsors or advertisers to enter their content and invite them to collaborate, of course they will get money from social media.

3. Want to be friends with each other

For some people, following each other is a common thing and normal, you could say that following each other on social media accounts is just a form of making friends, well by asking to follow back to our account, then they have accepted a friendship.

And the person who is followed back by the person asking to follow back is usually a person who already has a relationship with that person in the real world, whether from family, relatives or even friends.

Of course, the reason behind them asking for a follow back is so that the person can also see the content that the person asking for the follow back has as well.


Nah mungkin itulah beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang rela meminta agar di follow balik di social media, dan bisa saja ada beberapa alasan lain yang mungkin mereka miliki mengapa mereka sampai melakukan hal tersebut.

Akan tetapi mau mereka saling follow balik ataupun tidak, itu tidak merugikan siapapun, yang pasti dengan melakukan hal tersebut dan menurut mereka itu saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak maka itu tidak masalah.