The Importance of Having a Boundary Wall or Commitment to Yourself

The Importance of Having a Boundary Wall or Commitment to Yourself

Boundary Wall or people call it Border is a term often used by Indonesian youth to explain that they have a boundary that should not be crossed.

The limit is in the form of a commitment that should not be violated as long as it is not time, for example, such as abstaining from looking for women before success or abstaining from smoking before adulthood, well these are things that are very clichéd but of course they are very very important in this life.

Sumber: freepik.com

Well maybe you still think why humans have to have a boundary wall or a border on themselves? Isn't it without that they can do everything ?

So on this occasion I will provide information in the form of several points that I have summarized several things why having a barrier or barrier is very important, well what are they? let's discuss together below :

1. Self-Consciousness

The first benefit is self-awareness, well you should know that having a barrier in yourself can make you become aware of yourself, aware here is aware of your position.

Just imagine when you often watch porn, you feel eager to master the beautiful and handsome women / men according to what you expect, without this barrier, of course you will definitely look for the opposite sex easily and even be willing to commit criminal acts in the real world as a result of unstoppable lust, right ?

Well this is where the border or barrier is useful, the border or barrier or can be said to be this commitment is there to limit the movement and also the silly and stupid actions that you will do later, when you feel you want to have sex then you realize yourself that you are still not old enough, don't have money, not ready to take responsibility, not ready to provide for children and wife, what if the woman is even worse condition, not ready to be in prison, not even able to make the woman who will be invited to have sex happy.

All of that will appear in your head long before you do the depraved act, well that's the self-limiter / border in the self.

2. It's Easier to Focus on What You Want to Achieve

When you have a commitment or boundary wall, then you will usually focus on that commitment, if you don't want to find a girlfriend until you make money at least more successful than now, of course you won't look for a woman.

You will focus first on how to be successful in order to earn more and better than what you have now, so of course you will definitely focus on making yourself successful first.


Nah mungkin itu saja beberapa poin yang bisa aku berikan ke kamu tentang pentingnya memiliki dinding pembatas ataupun border ataupun komitmen pada diri sendiri, jadi dengan adanya pembatas tak terlihat ini yang ada pada dirimu, kamu tidak serta merta melakukan sesuatu atau segalanya tanpa batas.

You certainly still have to be able to use your common sense and sort out what is good and what is bad, it is so that you avoid the name of the disaster from your carelessness.
Here are 3 Benefits of Reading/Watching/Listening to News From Various Platforms

Here are 3 Benefits of Reading/Watching/Listening to News From Various Platforms

News is a source of actual information or can be said to be information that has just been taken such as an ongoing event and the retrieval time is not long.

Now what exactly are the benefits of the news - the news is shared with the general public? is there an advantage for people who see it ?

Source: youtube.com/@livenowfox

Of course there is, because news is information that concerns the present so there must be benefits, so on this occasion i will provide a summary of the 3 main points why news is a very useful information for mankind, so what are they ? let's discuss together below :

1. As a Reminder

Sometimes people can be careless, if there is no news circulating then people will not know and care about what they do.

A small example is when parents are busy with their work cooking/washing and let their young children play outside alone when it rains.

Because the mother saw her child playing outside of course she didn't pay attention to him, well right after that the child suddenly disappeared somewhere in a heavy day, when the mother had finished cooking and realized the child was still in the terrace then she started to approach him.

She was surprised because the child was not in the place where he played earlier, then the mother searched for where the child was, now this is where the mother who panicked then reported the police, the police then immediately helped trace exactly where the child was.

Because it has been several hours of searching still not found, finally the search was carried out the next day, after the rain subsided, the rivers in front of his house began to recede, suddenly the child was found lifeless.

The child was found right under the river culvert 100 meters from his house by the surrounding residents, the mother who saw her son's body was then hysterical and could not hold back tears.

Now from my explanation above, the existence of news information can make other parents who are still difficult to realize and a little negligent in taking care of children but not leaving them for too long finally realize and care and increase their vigilance.

Indeed, in the end humans will really learn when they have seen evidence of something that has happened.

2. Knowing the Truth

This is true, news is the most up-to-date source of information that can be trusted because it presents a true account of an event or incident, for example, such as the war that occurred recently, of course we who are outside their area can become aware and concern (care) about it.

Because we are aware of the war that has caused many casualties, humans outside the continent will unite and create a larger community to stop these unwanted actions, as much as possible to make a ceasefire or peace.

3. Adding Information and Insights

Have you ever when you read the news too often you actually become quite knowledgeable? For example, let's say there is news about the discovery of rare animals and not yet recorded species, news about the discovery of ancient creature skeletons and ancient/pre-historic animal skeletons and news about the discovery of objects 1500 BC and above.

Of course you can wonder and have your opinion / point of view about all that, right? When your opinion / point of view feels deadlocked then you will start looking for these sciences on the internet and look for some books / journals that you can get.

Then you study it so that you get a broad insight into it, well from the news you become someone who likes to read and see information that contains a lot of knowledge in it, making you a very insightful person.


Nah mungkin itu saja beberapa manfaat membaca/menonton serta mendengarkan berita dari berbagai platform, sebenarnya berita-berita tersebut sampai kapanpun akan terus ada, selama teknologi berupa televisi/internet/hape/komputer/radio masih ada dan tersebar diseluruh penjuru dunia maka berita tersebut akan terus ada.
4 Characteristics of Tourist Destinations that are Not Good to Visit

4 Characteristics of Tourist Destinations that are Not Good to Visit

Sometimes when we have a lot of money and we want to go on vacation then we think of going to places where there are a lot of tourist attractions that can be visited.

These tourist attractions can be very, very good and refreshing for the eyes because of the beauty offered at these tourist attractions, such as Raja Ampat, Kelingking Beach, Lake 3 Warna, Lake Biru, and others.

Source: freepik.com/author/pikisuperstar

Not only that, the people around the place are very friendly and welcome the arrival of foreign and local tourists, well of course it is also an attraction for people who really want to vacation in tourist attractions like that.

Well, but the fact is that there are also some tourist attractions or places that become the point of point for foreign travelers or tourists which are very bad and not suitable for visiting, so maybe on this occasion I will explain a few points that I have summarized “whether these tourist attractions are good or not to visit”, well what are they ? let's discuss together below :

1. Local People Who Always See and Follow You Wherever You Go

If you are a woman and you feel that there is someone from the locals who looks at your appearance from top to bottom so that they keep staring at you and follow you wherever you go.

Then make sure you go to a slightly crowded place and blend in with the crowd so that those who are following you lose track of you, so that you can avoid them.

If that doesn't work, then make sure you shout and point at the person who keeps following you so that the people there will turn towards the person who has followed you so that way you can run and go to a safe place.

Well if that happens make sure you don't visit the place where you got it again because indeed if there are people like that usually they will mostly do bad to foreign tourists who are traveling, maybe they just went to the place for the first time and of course even experience problems like that.

2. There Are a lot of People Hanging Out Outside and Cat Calling You

Avoid people who are hanging out outside the house, okay if you see those whose age is not so mature, aka still young people especially they might just hang out, it doesn't matter.

However, if the people who gather are staring at you and even doing cat calling then never turn your head and leave the place quickly, it could be that they have their own agenda whether it wants to demean you in front of their friends or worse.

3. Don't Go to Places Like Criminal Territory

Not all of  places contain criminal people but at certain points in the city there is certainly a gangster territory who does not hesitate to beat you if you accidentally find trouble with them.

Well actually in some foreign countries also certainly have such dangerous areas, so of course you have to avoid places like this if you want to try to visit places that you think are interesting.

4. Zero Security Quality

Have you ever gone to a tourist spot but the tourist spot could have taken someone's life because the quality of security offered could not cover the visitors who were there properly? Yes, not all tourist attractions are like that but make sure you stay away from tourist attractions that have zero quality or security system, aka many minuses.

Whether from outside or from inside the tourist attractions, make sure you can enjoy the place that will be a visit to the tourist destination better.

5. Too Many Extortionists

Extortion is a detrimental thing whether it is the surrounding community or tourists who want to visit the relevant tourist attractions, just imagine when we want to go to a tourist spot that shows a beautiful view.

Not until a few hundred meters from the location of the tourist attraction, we have been stopped by people who claim to be from the area and ask for payment to enter the place, not to mention that there are extortion again every few hundred meters of the road or at the location, making the tourist attractions even more deserted - deserted and even abandoned.

So if you see a tourist spot that contains extortion and you experience it, then you should viralize or leave the tourist spot, it means that the tourist spot is not good to visit.


Well maybe that's just some characteristics of tourist destinations that are not good to visit, there is indeed one more characteristic such as the nature of the people of the place who are not welcome to our presence.

So by knowing these characteristics early, it is hoped that you will be able to see which places are not good to visit for preventive measures so that you don't lose going to these places.
Here are 2 Reasons Why Kakashi Can't Bring Himself Into Kamui's Dimension Or Penetrate Objects Like Obito

Here are 2 Reasons Why Kakashi Can't Bring Himself Into Kamui's Dimension Or Penetrate Objects Like Obito

Who doesn't know kakashi in the Naruto series ? yes, this teacher with a mouth and eye cover and white hair seems to be a very iconic figure for the journey of the main character, Naruto, to achieve his goal of becoming a hokage.

Well kakashi is actually described as a very proficient and genius teacher, an accurate level of analysis and able to make backup plans when he is on a mission that is not in his favor.

Source: uhdpaper.com

Making himself recognized as one of the genius ninja in Konoha, but did you know that kakashi has a sharingan eye in his left eye ? so the eye is actually the last parting gift from one of his best friends, Obito.

Now on his journey, kakashi is often seen using his sharingan eye in various missions, making him nicknamed kakashi the copycat, that's because kakashi always uses the basic sharingan tomoe 2 base (slow movement) to see the reflexes of other shinobi in doing hand seal chanting.

However, the most interesting thing about the sharingan's power is when the sharingan has reached the mangekyou stage, where kakashi can use the sharingan's eyes to teleport an object he sees whatever it is including living things into a vacuum dimension that has been created, and the teleportation technique is called "KAMUI".

Now even more surprisingly, at the end of Kakashi's journey to bring Naruto to the title of hokage, he met his best friend who he thought had died crushed by a stone in the battlefield when he was young.
Here obito has been disguised as a masked man and it can also be seen that the fighting style obito has been using so far is to make himself penetrate objects using kamui, the same teleportation technique used by kakashi.

But the difference is, obito is able to penetrate any object that wants to hit him while kakashi cannot do it and can only transfer the object in front of him to the kamui dimension via long distance or short distance, well actually why does that happen ? why can't kakashi bring himself into the kamui dimension or penetrate objects like obito does ?

Well this time i will explain some opinion assumptions that I have compiled into 3 framework points why Kakashi cannot do it even though he is dubbed the genius ninja in Konoha village, so what are they ? Let's discuss together below.

1. Lack of Chakra Supply to Do It + Draining a lot of Energy

This reason is reinforced when kakashi first used kamui to eliminate one deidara arm, it was clear that he was a little overwhelmed and the absorption of kamui he did was not as fast as obito.

That's because kakashi gets tired easily in using the sharingan and the chakra he has is insufficient to use kamui continuously, now with this weakness, kakashi very rarely we see using this kamui technique against strong enemies, usually he will use plan B where he tag teams with other konoha shinobi to fight stronger enemies.

2. Kakashi Never Knew That KAMUI Could Be Expanded Further Like What Obito Did

This is clearly seen when kakashi first learns that the power of his eyes is equal to that of the masked man's (just before he learns that it's obito) during the duel in the final battle of the fourth shinobi.

Imagine, during his journey and by the time he met obito in mask mode (before the declaration of the great battle of the 5 kage), obito had actually met kakashi twice and showed kakashi his techniques.
However, Kakashi at that time still did not know that his eyes and the eyes of the masked man were the same, it was because the masked man aka Obito always left without a fight.

Now after the 4th ninja world war erupted and he learned that the masked man was obito, he then tried to learn kamui's techniques further while fighting his own best friend even though they had both gone through different paths.

Aided by a little extra kurama chakra, he was able to get back out of the kamui dimension and ended when obito left him in the kamui dimension and obito went on his second rampage to become a juubi jinchuriki.

Then shortly after his defeat, kakashi managed to return to the earth dimension and prepare to kill obito, now from here we can see that kakashi has begun to understand how the kamui technique works.


Well maybe these 2 reasons are the most compelling reasons why kakashi can't do it, not other reasons such as kakashi and obito's eyes are different, to be honest the strength of their eyes is the same, obito can go in and out of the kamui dimension why can't kakashi ? even madara who has removed kakashi's left sharingan eye can go to the kamui dimension to meet obito.

In the ending when kakashi gets 2 complete kamui eyes and is able to awaken susanoo, it appears that kakashi can penetrate objects, where the kaguya needle pierces his stomach, it is not the help of obito's right eye, but he has obtained unlimited rikudo chakra through obito's intermediary with a slightly shorter time frame, of course he is able to use penetrating techniques like obito did so far.

Now from there alone it can be explained that kakashi can go to the kamui dimension easily, then for those of you who say, "When did he learn how to transfer one part of his body to the kamui dimension?"

Since he learned how the kamui technique works when fighting obito, remember, kakashi is not like tenzo or kinoe or what we know as the careless "YAMATO", kakashi is a very genius young jounin where he can analyze every jutsu and can apply the jutsu if he has enough chakra supply, so it is easy for kakashi to do it.

And if anyone asks "obito's right eye and kakashi's left eye are different, obito's right eye is specialized for short distances and kakash's left eye is specialized for long distances".

If so, the scene of kakashi recognizing 2 objects, namely the rasengan that is still burning from the cut of his teacher's hand, namely minato, which was broken off due to madara aiming at his chest and the nails shot by pain can be recognized by kakashi easily.

Whereas if you say obito's right eye is short-range, obito should not be able to cancel kakashi's kamui technique from a considerable distance when kakashi wants to try to sever the head of the gedo statue, the reason why he always holds the enemy when he wants to kamui him is so that the enemy cannot easily escape during the kamui process.
3 Reasons Why Bali is Still a Must-Visit Place at the End of the Year

3 Reasons Why Bali is Still a Must-Visit Place at the End of the Year

If you know this island, of course you will definitely think that this island holds a lot of culture that has been passed down from generation to generation, not only that, the tourist attractions owned by the island of Bali itself are very diverse and numerous.

Sumber: freepik.com/author/tawatchai07

Making Bali as one of the islands that you might be able to visit to start your vacation, well then on this occasion I will provide 3 reasons why Bali is a place that is still mandatory to visit every year, well what are they? let's discuss together below:

1. Has Many Hidden Tourist Destinations

This is also undeniable, although there are some tourist attractions that you may already know in Bali, believe me, Bali is a paradise for people who are passionate about art and love natural beauty, well usually people who really like the beauty of art and nature can definitely process the place where they are into hidden gems.

If I give an example, maybe hidden gems that currently exist and are visited by many domestic tourists are Karangasem Jinja Park, well of course there are many other hidden gems tourist attractions that you may not know about.

2. A Never-Ending Culture to See

If we talk about culture, then of course Bali has cultural resources that are maintained and inherited from generation to generation by the ancestors, be it a general culture throughout Bali itself or a special culture that is specifically owned by certain villages scattered on the island of the gods.

Such as pandan wars that you can only see in Karangasem, makotek that you can only see in Badung, omed-omedan that you can only see in Denpasar, and many other cultures that are still maintained and many of which you may not know.

3. Tourist Facilities that are Already at a Better Level

It cannot be denied that Bali does offer facilities for domestic visitors and visitors from abroad that allow you to stay for a few days or months through the beautiful villas built in Bali.

It is because of these adequate facilities that the G20 event last month (when this article was written) was held on the island of the gods, precisely in Bali itself.


Maybe those are the 3 reasons why Bali is still a must-visit place at the end of every year, because culture is timeless and I believe that.
4 Causes of the BOOTMGR Is Missing Warning Message Appearing on Your Laptop / Computer

4 Causes of the BOOTMGR Is Missing Warning Message Appearing on Your Laptop / Computer

You must have seen this writing on your laptop or computer or at least your friend's computer or maybe not.

Maybe now I will tell you what this bootmgr is missing means, well this warning usually appears when the Windows file system fails to be read on the system, so you could say the Windows file system as if it never existed or was installed on your laptop or computer.

Sumber: google.com

Then why can this happen ? yes there are many factors, well one of the factors that I know is where the system fails to boot aka Windows files are deleted and lost.

However, there are 4 other causes why this happens and on this occasion I will explain to all of you what these causes are so that they can make computers and laptops have this bootmgr is missing warning, now curious? let's discuss it together.

1. Harddisk/SSD Has Started to Fail

The bootmgr is missing warning appears because the hard disk or ssd has begun to deteriorate, how to check is by using the sentinel hard disk software or other hard disk health checking software.

If the health of the hard drive has decreased, reaching 10 or even 5%, most likely the hard drive / ssd is damaged and must be replaced with a new one, so that Windows can run properly.

2. Incorrect RAM Slot Installation

Usually when we buy a computer or laptop, there is ram installed in the ram slot, and usually also the ram has not been checked for health for so long that sometimes we don't know that the source of big problems starts there.

Sometimes installing ram in the wrong slot can make this warning appear, either unreadable or it could be that the other slot is damaged, so pay close attention to whether the ram slot is problematic or not, if so then move the ram slot to the other slot.

3. Windows File System Deleted by Virus

This can happen if you install a lot of unknown and suspicious files on the internet, the effect may not be visible now but when you install suspicious software and are always caught by windows defender.

It could be that the file contains a virus, well when the virus successfully runs in the system, then this virus will begin to spread and multiply and infect system files.

The effect is that your laptop/computer will pop up a warning, namely "bootmgr is missing" where the virus has successfully deleted the bootmanager file from the Windows file system itself.

4. Accidentally Deleting System Files

Sometimes guilt often comes later, we think that it is a junk file but in fact it is not and even the files we have deleted are the Windows system files themselves.

Now this is a polemic, so because of the effect of accidentally deleting system files, it raises the name bootmgr missing, aka Windows system files do not exist.


Well maybe that's just 4 causes of bootmgr is missing appearing on laptops and computers, actually there are still many factors that cannot be explained why bootmgr is missing appears but 4 only with the 4 factors above are certainly very sufficient and can explain why the error appears.

Well hopefully this information can help you map the bootmgr is missing problem on your laptop or computer so you know what steps you should take afterwards.
Why Do Some Women Like to Show Their Breasts in Public ?

Why Do Some Women Like to Show Their Breasts in Public ?

Breasts are a female organ that functions to store excess fat and contain mammary glands to produce milk.

Well actually women's breasts have benefits for couples and prospective babies later, especially since breasts are one of the crowns owned by a woman after hair, but if we look at social media lunge, maybe we will see that there are some women who have indeed done this indecent thing based on videos circulating on the internet.

Sumber: google.com

Well why can they do such indecent things ? What causes these women to be able to do such things in public places? well maybe on this occasion I will provide information that I have summarized into several points, well these points will explain why women can show off their breasts in public places, well what are they? let's look together:

1. Want to be Noticed

Some women who do this action do want to be noticed, for example when a woman who does not get full attention from the loved ones around her of course she will start looking for attention with small things first.

If that doesn't work then they will start to the medium stage, after that it is only to the extreme stage where they are willing to take off the underwear they are wearing and show off their beautiful breasts to the people out there.

Well, this is why there are some women who if asked why they do it, then the answer must be 'I just want to be noticed, that's all'.

2. Want to Find a Partner

If a woman who does not have a good personality and also they do not have a favorable face, then they will start looking for a partner by showing off their breasts in public places, although they definitely look for a place that is rather quiet and not a little crowded because they have to endure embarrassment.

But of course they still do it if it's about the partner they want to find, well usually they will start directing a man to his breasts, forcing them to try to hold them which in the end the woman then undresses what she is wearing just to make the man fascinated and can feel the warmth of the breasts she has, that way she will start to think that the man will enter into her love trap.

3. Can't Resist Lust

Usually if a woman suddenly shows off her breasts or exposes her breasts in a public place then most likely they must have been unable to contain their lust.

They then do this while playing with their beautiful breasts, and usually women who cannot hold their lust in public places will do it secretly, whether it is playing in a public toilet or in a park where many people cannot see.

4. Mental Illness

This can happen if a woman has a mental illness, and it happens in many public places in any part of the world because crazy women don't just gather in one place.

Women suffering from mental illness usually do not care about their clothes, sometimes they can even take off all the clothes they wear and walk around in public places as if they are not burdened with anything in their heads.

5. Uploading Content on Social Media

Now the reason some women do this is of course they want to create content, they are normal, it's just that of course they use the camera they have and do these indecent acts and are recorded in public places just for the sake of uploading it to social media.

Whether it's Twitter (now turned into platform X), Reddit or OnlyFans, well of course they do this not without reason, maybe some are just for fun but most of them are willing to take photos and even videos of them showing their breasts in public places because of requests from their fans, so of course they do this indecent thing according to what their fans want.

If the fans already want it then usually some of the troubled women will set the price of each video they make in public places, and usually the video is tens of thousands.


Well maybe that's why some women are willing to take out the 2 beautiful balloons they have in public places, so of course showing breasts in public places is actually okay if you are in a public women's toilet, maybe the breasts feel itchy or want to wipe the breasts that are filled with sweat from walking around all day, just don't show your breasts in public places that people can see with the naked eye.
5 Reasons Why People Honk When They Passing Shrines/Bridges in Bali ?

5 Reasons Why People Honk When They Passing Shrines/Bridges in Bali ?

Have you ever seen people who are driving and suddenly honk when they want to pass through an underpass or a sacred place or a place that is said to be haunted by most locals? Then why is this done? What is the advantage of honking in these places? 

Source: google.com

It turns out that honking is a common habit of the people in the village where it is located, so it can be said to be a "habit ” that has been done decades ago.

So on this occasion, i will summarize the points that i know why people honk in such places, what are they? Let's discuss together below :

1. As a Form of Respect to the Place

Some people around the place when they want to pass through a road that is said to be sacred or haunted will usually sound the horn as a form of tolerance to the surrounding guardians.
They believe that when they honk right at that place, they are sure that the invisible local guardians will feel tolerant and kind with the arrival of the person who honked the horn.

2. Not to be Misled

Well whether the rumors are true or not, but a lot of people from outside certain villages to villages that have haunted roads or sacred places or underpasses have their own mystical stories.

Many testimonies that the people often see figures (ghosts) of spirits who always disturb people who cross the road, well as a result of this in the end there are some people who sound the horn, because this method is an easy way and for them can prevent them from various supernatural disturbances on the road.

Because it was felt that there was no disturbance when honking the horn, finally the community began to follow this activity.

3. As a Form of Cultural Habit

Well there are also those who may do this as a culture, and it is just a culture.

Culture usually occurs from a habit of society that has been rooted for years, so it is certain that ringing the bell or horn is just a form of cultural habit in the neighborhood, of course there is no other agenda other than the preservation of culture such as ringing the horn in certain places in Bali.


Nah mungkin itu saja 3 alasan mengapa orang sering membunyikan klakson saat ingin melewati underpass/tempat keramat/tempat yang konon berhantu, semoga dengan artikel yang telah aku post ini bermanfaat untuk kamu, terimakasih.

How to Get Rid of Inner Offensivness

How to Get Rid of Inner Offensivness

Offense/Offensivness is something that can happen when other people try to bring up issues or things that make the person dislike them.

For example, when a person who likes a certain political figure is upset because the political figure he likes is blasphemed by some people who do not like that political figure, then he will start to take offense (angry and unacceptable).

Sumber: freepik.com/author/wayhomestudio

Now if we think back, this is indeed beyond the bounds of human nature, because offended feelings can exist because humans have attached themselves to an identity that they believe is good / right / and makes them comfortable even though some of it is ultimately not part of their family.

Then how to get rid of the feeling of offense ? actually the way is easy but difficult in its application, well what are they? let's discuss together below:

1. Peace With Your Ego

Making peace with the ego can make the sense of offensiveness a little less than before, it is because the application of Peace with yourself usually suppresses and forces yourself not to give comments / hateful statements back to the person who might initially mock you.

Now by applying this, it is hoped that the sense of offended can be minimized as much as possible when browsing the internet.

2. Stop Using Social Media

Social media such as Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok/Youtube/Twitter and etc.  can make your frustration even more intense.

That's because there are posts / content that can and can make you become offended, such as netizens who mock people who may be very meritorious for you, even though you have no blood relationship with that person, but when that person is denigrated then you will feel offended and try to defend desperately by blaspheming the mocker.

Now by implementing a system of stopping using social media for at least a month, it can certainly minimize the impact that you cause such as frequent comments that are not-not,
not easily offended and so on.

3. Erase All Identities that You Owned

Remove all your identities that may still be attached to you, whether it's your nationality, your belief in religion, conspiracy theories, the existence of Aliens, the existence of ghosts and the like from your life.

Eliminate everything in you, now the definition of eliminating the identity in this self is.. you don't need to keep it in your mind and heart again, so let these identities not be related to each other in you.

Now in that way of course when your identity is mocked and dehumanized by the haters, then you will not be consumed by the sense of irritation, even you can just pray for those who are good.


Well maybe that's just 3 ways to get rid of the sense of irritation in you, it's true that the sense of irritation will not be able to escape.

As long as you still believe the statement you believe is true and you still have the identity you wear, then the resentment will continue to exist and continue to appear, of course here you can only slightly "reduce" it.